Monday, June 20, 2016

In Thornhill For Cousin Hendrix's One Year Birthday Party

Here are Edward and Aaron with cousin Hendrix at Grandma and Grandpa Lee's home in Thornhill the day before his big One Year birthday celebration at the nearby restaurant Sariwon.  In Korean culture, it has been customary to recognize when a baby turns one year old with a celebration called a Tol.  Here they will share lots of food and cake with friends and family as well as hold a tradition to predict what the child will be interested in their future career.  Hendrix chose a crisp new $100 bill to symbolize a career in finance.  Congratulations Hendrix!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Edward's First Summer Job

Edward recently started a new lawn mowing business by delivering over 300 flyers to our neighbors.  He has heard back from some of them and is now mowing lawns in his spare time with Aaron helping to pick up sticks.  They are both saving up for a new family puppy.  They're pretty excited about finally having a dog of their own.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Grandparents Toms' Visit May 2016

Nana and Grandad Toms visited from P.E.I. last week.  Here they are at Aaron's last soccer game with Coach Dad and Edward (the assistant coach).  It was an exciting game and a great way to finish the series.

Edward and Aaron with Dave and Valerie taking a picture on their last day in West Lafayette.  They enjoyed a family swim at the new Purdue Co-Recreational centre pool.  Thankfully the weather cooperated and even permitted us to view Jupiter and its four moons on the Saturday night of their visit with the West Lafayette Observatory's telescopes.  Wonderful to have them visit!