Monday, July 18, 2016

Edward Playing Golf July 2016

Edward joined the local Purdue Junior PGA league this summer and played several rounds against area teams.  His team went undefeated until their last game against the West Lafayette Country Club.  Way to go, Edward!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Visiting Chicago for our 15th Anniversary July 2016

As a family, we visited Chicago last weekend for our 15th anniversary.  Our first tourist trip was to the Willis Tower, the very first time for all of us.  This picture is of us on the new Ledge attraction whereby you can stand on a thick glass floor and windowed area overlooking Chicago on the 103rd floor.  Pretty awesome feeling, thought the boys!

We also took a first family visit to the Art Institute, as per my request.  The boys did enjoy seeing this familiar Georges Seurat painting that is also on display as a print in their local elementary school.  Aaron was particularly excited to see it all of a sudden and insisted on taking a picture with it.

This is on our second day in Chicago when we took a walk in Millenium Park.  Here are Aaron and Edward with the Crown Fountain, a really neat and refreshing art display.

I took this skyline shot during our walk through the Park towards Maggie Daley park.  Really amazing Frank Gehry bridge that joins the two.

The boys had a great time at the Daley park's extensive playground.  Really the best outdoor playground we've ever encountered.  It's the Fourth of July weekend, so there were tons of families milling about.  The boys' favorite outing so far.

We took a break for lunch across the street from the park at a great little seafood place.  Highly recommended eats, especially the lobster roll.  And the natural light was so perfect that I had to take a picture with the boys.

Next up, a walk to Navy Pier.  Here we waited not too long for a ride on the Centennial Wheel, an updated version of the old ferris wheel in time for the 100th birthday of the Pier.  Had to take this picture of Andrew and the boys.  Again, such great light and scenery.

The next day we tried to visit the Adler but with the long weekend crowd, we decided to save it for next time.  Did manage to get a skyline picture of the family before we turned around.  We soon headed for home later that afternoon.  So long, Chicago!  Hope to be back soon!