Friday, January 20, 2017

Get Well Soon!

During the holiday break, on the night of an ice storm, Andrew fell down and unbeknownst to him, broke his ankle.  Stubbornly, he refused to believe he broke it but after two weeks, finally agreed to get an x-ray.  Clear as crystal, there was a fracture.  Thankfully, he was able to have surgery scheduled right away.  He is now recovering, getting around on crutches and a four wheeled knee scooter.  His parents, Dave and Valerie, came to visit during his recovery time for about a week from P.E.I. for moral support.  Luckily, there have been no complications and he can start walking on it in four weeks.  We all hope he gets well soon!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy 2017!

We opted to have an all ages party open to our friends' families to spend the early hours of New Year's Eve in our home in West Lafayette.  Really, the best New Year's Eve countdown we've had in years with unmatched excitement levels by the 18 to 22 (?, lost count) kids present.  Then some parents headed out for some late night dancing at a favorite local spot to ring in the actual New Year (EST).  Here are Aaron and Edward in our living room after we finally dealt with the unavoidable aftermath of large scale entertaining.  Thank you for your help boys!  
Happy New Year Everyone!