Tuesday, August 15, 2017

First Day Back to School August 2017

Edward, now thirteen years old, started eighth grade and Aaron, now seven years old, entered second grade this past Thursday.  Great to see them smiling so.  Hope it stays that way! :)  Congratulations on your first day back to school, boys!

Sailboat Tour Summer 2017

Enjoyed a 90 minute tour of Toronto's Harbourfront on Lake Ontario via the Kajama.  Gorgeous day, thankfully.  Wanted to go to Center Island as a family but was flooded due to recent heavy rains.   No complaints discovering this beauty instead!

Aaron Earns His Blue Belt in Taekwondo Spring 2017

This past spring, Aaron earned his Blue belt in taekwondo and has now decided to move on to other athletic interests.  We are very proud of his time and effort in achieving this level.  Well done!  Thank you for all your teachings and instruction, Master Chai.