Thursday, September 28, 2017

Finally U.S. Citizens! Fall 2017

On our way to the Naturalization Ceremony on Friday, September 15, 2017 in West Lafayette, Indiana.

In the auditorium, along with 103 other citizens-to-be and a bevy of government officials, representatives and officers.

Our celebratory dinner with Aaron and Edward with mom and dad as new U.S. citizens.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Edward Won but He Lost! September 2017

He did get first in the 5km Hunger Hike run last weekend for youths but because he is 13 years old he didn't qualify as an actual youth (12 and under). Since the next runner's age up was 20 years old he was given the second place youth trophy for his efforts and first was given to the 12 year old who came in after him. Yay Edward!