Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Apologies for the No Posting for Awhile...But Here's A Summary of the Last Three Months

October 2017

On a Saturday in October, we had 300+ visitors come through our home as part of the first annual Hidden Gems Home Tour. Quelle surprise! Really expected only 30 guests in the three hour window of visiting hours. Needed to put our feet up after that afternoon!

At the age of thirteen, Edward’s participation in his first half marathon took place this month. He achieved a PR and placed second overall in his age group. We are incredibly proud and impressed with his endurance. Yay for Edward!

Aaron enjoying his Tanker costume Andrew constructed for him and Edward as an “Old Man” on Hallowe’en.

N. Chauncey neighborhood moms on Hallowe’en.

 Andrew and I dancing the night away last night. Really groovin’ sounds at the Black Sparrow for their Hallowe’en DJ battle.

November 2017

 Andrew as D.J. C* spinning the night away in November at a local musical bar called The Spot.  Second gig this year.  He's very happy to be mixing with his turntables again.

Aaron as entry 132 with Cub Pack 3337 in the Lafayette Christmas Parade!  Exhausted but thrilled to be marching with the group.

Our First Holiday Open House invitation to hopefully become an annual tradition.  Great turnout and loads of fun.  The spiced lamb meatballs were especially popular!

December 2017

Celebrating Aaron’s actual 8th Birthday at the Star Wars movie premiere this past Friday. Happy Birthday Aaron! May the Force Be With You.

Taking Aaron to a Birthday Sunday brunch with Andrew (Edward was studying for his two finals).  Star Wars inspired drawings by Aaron while waiting for our meals.

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